ADIPEC 2024Products & Services For mobile/portable gas measurement technology
For mobile/portable gas measurement technology
KNF Neuberger GmbH
For mobile / portable gas measurement technology
Small, light, high-performance – these are key requirements placed on KNF´s pump technology by manufacturers of hand-held and portable devices for gas measurement, monitoring and analysis. Primarily used to protect both people´s health and safety as well as facilities from explosions and malfunctions, KNF´s diaphragm gas pumps form part of reliable warning systems for hazardous gases and vapors.
Further reading Small, light, high-performance – these are key requirements placed on KNF´s pump technology by manufacturers of hand-held and portable devices for gas measurement, monitoring and analysis. Primarily used to protect both people´s health and safety as well as facilities from explosions and malfunctions, KNF´s diaphragm gas pumps form part of reliable warning systems for hazardous gases and vapors.
NMS 020 - Thanks to its very low power consumption, this pump preserves the capacity of the batteries.